Dairy products are known for their important nutritional values and incredible taste, however, what most people don’t know is that dairy products can help you become more immune to diseases and common colds because they are rich in probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that help boost your natural microflora and fight off harmful bacteria and microbes. Not to mention that they contain a variety of vitamins, proteins, and minerals that essential for building a strong and healthy body!
Cheese and Immunity
Also, dairy products can help protect your teeth and oral hygiene as it contains microflora that eliminates the harmful bacteria that cause tooth cavities or inflammation of the gums, not to mention that its amazing for the gut health. For example, feta cheese contains a type of bacteria named Lactobacillus plantarum, this type of bacteria can promote the immune system and protect the intestine from E. coli and salmonella, when consumed in moderation of course.
Bones contain the bone marrow which is the factory where white blood cells are made in order to fight off microbes and infection, and what a better way to maintain healthy bones than to eat food that is rich in calcium and can help you get stronger bones. Low salt cheese is a type of cheese that is for people who have delicate taste buds and just don’t like their food to be too savory. Even though this type of cheese is low in salt, its rich in calcium as 1 oz of it contains 200mg (21%) of calcium and contains only 0.5g of carbohydrates, which makes it a great addition to your diet.
The best thing about dairy products is that other ingredients can be incorporated into it, it doesn’t just boost its flavor but also boosts its nutritional value. For example, when nigella seeds (black seeds) are incorporated into cheese, it gives it a great savory and exotic flavor and also adds al the benefits to that product. Nigella seeds alone can help boost the immune system, and fight of cancer and other diseases such as bronchitis, congestion, flu and other respiratory diseases and other diseases of the gut, so when you combine those benefits with cheese such as Nabulsi cheese with black seeds, you literally get the best of both worlds!
Did you ever dream of cheese being a substitute for meat? Well, you don’t have to dream anymore, because you can get the same consistency, fullness and texture of meat while still benefiting of the health values that cheese add to your body and immunity by enjoying Halloumi roll cheese. This type of cheese is rich in minerals, vitamins and all the essential components that can help provide you with a stronger body and immune system.
Cream and Immunity
Now, apart from cheese, Fresh cream is a dairy product that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. It has an impeccable taste and lots of health benefits. Fresh cream contains proteins, vitamin A and vitamin D, and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin A for example is essential for promoting eye health. The minerals found in fresh cream help promote the number of red blood cell and minerals like phosphorus and calcium help in the maintenance of bone health. Which all in return helps promote a healthy body and healthy organs, implementing a healthy immune system.
Dairy products are a great source of nutrients and many healthy components that you should implement in your diet, but just like anything in the world, it should be consumed in moderation in order for it to have more advantages that disadvantages.